Tuesday, November 26, 2019

President Bush on Social Security Reform essays

President Bush on Social Security Reform essays The topic of social security is one that seems to arise again and again during presidential elections, and is often one of the most debated subjects of a presidents administration. Since his initial victory over then Vice President Al Gore in 2000, George Bush has continually worked on reforming the United States current system of social security. Many politicians consider social security to be the so called third-rail of American Politics, because like the third rail of a train, it will shock you if you touch it. However, the fault that lies within this theory is that by not touching it, we will not be able to fix it, and as George Bush said in an August 2000 speech: I will touch the third rail so I can fix it. Social security was originally implemented by Franklin Roosevelt almost 70 years ago, and has been in continual, un-interfered service since then. However, with the recession in 2001, the huge U.S. deficit, the baby-boomer generation getting ready to retire in about seven years, and the war on terrorism, many people, especially the younger working population, are beginning to get worried about whether or not social security will be around for them. George Bushs solution, one that has stirred up much controversy, is to allow younger workers to invest a portion of their paychecks into private savings account, where they would get a higher rate of return as opposed to the current social security trust funds. By allowing the rates of returns to be compounding at a higher rate, it would ensure that the entire social security system would stay intact for generations to come. He says that a 2% return a year is not good enough, and by allowing the United States to privatize their money, it could potentially yield rates of return as high as 6%. He also promised that this system would be strictly voluntary, and the matter of trusting the government with ones retirement, or themselves woul...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to break technology addiction and improve concentration - Emphasis

How to break technology addiction and improve concentration How to break technology addiction and improve concentration New research from Kent Universitys psychology department confirms what many of us already know from experience. Far from helping us become more efficient, the constant interruption of technology is weakening our ability to concentrate and slowing us down at work. With inboxes pinging and smartphones winking at us, were increasingly giving in to tempting but non-essential diversions and researchers say we could be wasting nearly one-fifth of our time in the process. No wonder so many of us are no strangers to working late. Lead us not into temptation The study came about after lead researcher Ulrich Weger noticed that his own progress at work was continually thwarted by email notifications luring him away from the task at hand. The experiment charged about 100 volunteers with reading text on a computer. During the task, they were interrupted by a one-minute verbal message, such as a phone call, and were asked to continue reading the text when it reappeared onscreen. The researchers used eye-trackers to follow the volunteers visual journey in returning to the task. Since they went back to the text at an earlier point than where they left off, each interruption caused an average 17 per cent increase in the total time to finish reading the whole passage. The study also found that it took volunteers significantly longer to read the text when it was accompanied by background speech or music. A return to concentration So, what of the resulting ideas for combating the problem? Weger suggests a daily concentration exercise, where you focus on a simple object for a few minutes. As soon as you become aware that your thoughts have drifted onto something else, gently bring them back to your chosen object. Its worth it, according to Weger: After practice, you get more competent at shielding yourself against the countless tempting stimuli in our world. Other solutions include: marking the point on the page where you temporarily stop reading (this accounted for 10 per cent of the time wasted in the study), turning off phones and email notifications, and making sure you dont sit looking out on, for example, a distractingly busy street. Burying phones in the garden and turning desks to the wall will undoubtedly appeal to some, but it probably wont work in the long run. We have a much simpler way to get the job done try some of our practical tips for beating writers block and the procrastination trap in our articles Forgiveness: the answer to writers block and Tips for breaking through the barrier. Reference: Reading resumption after interruptions: using eye movements to study the costs of interruptions during reading by Ulrich Weger.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Aggressive Unilateralism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Aggressive Unilateralism - Essay Example This essay stresses that the insistence of the US to open markets in the name of â€Å"fair trade† poses dangers to the world trading system, â€Å"for if everything becomes a question of fair trade, the only outcome will be to remove, altogether, the possibility of ever agreeing to a rule-oriented trading system†. The danger starts itself from imposing conditions of what constitutes free trade and yet, not giving other countries the right to define what fair trade is. â€Å"Fairness† is a value-laden concept and more qualitative, rather than say, the concept of efficiency, which is easier to define and can be easily quantified. Moreover, even the American pride in its market openness that it places before the world for emulation by other countries – cannot be absolutely used as standard, as every country is unique in its structural make-up that has bearing on its economy and trade practices. This report makes a conclusion that the international trading system not only operates under free-market assumptions but more importantly, its very purpose through inception of the WTO is to erect legally binding trade agreements that would apply to every member state. The policy of aggressive unilateralism as practiced by the United States makes use of brute political power that circumvents the legality of the global trading system. In slamming this policy as GATT/WTO-illegal, Bhagwati writes, â€Å"honoring a treaty commitment is to reaffirm one’s respects for orderly procedures and the rule of law in dealing with nation states†.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

(not specific) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

(not specific) - Essay Example As more and more people began living in closer proximity to each other with the development of the cities, social interactions changed as well. This included the expected roles of women. This caused a great deal of confusion for young women attempting to find their way in a world under constant change. Young women felt constrained by the traditions of the past yet were aware that they had a chance for a happier, more fulfilling future. These concepts can be discovered in the novels that were written during that time period. The precarious position of young women torn between adhering to ‘traditional family values’ and the more rewarding, less constrained possibilities of the new age is illustrated through such literary characters as Elizabeth Bennett in Jane Austin’s novel Pride and Prejudice and Lucy Honeychurch in E.M. Forster’s novel A Room with a View. Although she is aware of how she is expected to behave within polite society, Elizabeth Bennett of Pride and Prejudice doesn’t pay much attention to the social norms when it comes to restricting her true nature. This indicates that she has had a lenient childhood in which her actions have not been restricted or curtailed. There are several examples within the novel where she gives herself the liberty of speaking her own mind. She openly tells Mr. Darcy what she thinks of him before she is fully aware of his character, demonstrating an ‘unladylike’ confidence in her own opinions. Although it does not always help her and is not always shown to be a positive element of her personality, this willful streak also allows her to face down the intimidating Lady Catherine when cornered, â€Å"I am only resolved to act in that manner which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me† (Auste n 307). Elizabeth’s behavior tends to stretch the boundaries of good breeding as even her mother, not the most astute socialite

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Importance of Understanding Cultural, Ethnic, and Gender Essay Example for Free

Importance of Understanding Cultural, Ethnic, and Gender Essay Culture is defined â€Å"as a set of values, practices, traditions or beliefs a group shares, whether due to age, race or ethnicity, religion or gender† (Mayhew, 2014). Diversity is â€Å"the inclusion of individuals representing more than one national origin, color, religion, socioeconomic stratum, sexual orientation† (2014). Diversity in the workplace refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. It can include gender, age, personality, background, race, ethnic group, and much more. It doesn’t just include how people see themselves but how they see others as well and this affect how they act in a work environment. Some of the issues companies have to deal with are communication, adaptability and change. Embracing diversity and accepting and appreciating the differences means individual strengths and weaknesses can be understood and factored into building workplace teams. Recognizing and appreciating cultural differences is only the tip of the iceberg. Subordinate group attitudes that have developed over time may cause them to be defensive. It is necessary to work towards bridging the gap between dominant and subordinate groups to help them to communicate better. Managers and leaders need to step out of their comfort levels and develop knowledge of cultural differences and be sensitive to the fact that there are diversity issues. If you establish relationships at work with people who are different than you, you start to learn about the talent and knowledge that diverse culture can add to your company. Most hospitals have come to the realization that people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, genders, as well as religions, bring with them different values and perspectives. Managers have to make sure that top priority is given to  patient care. If there are misunderstandings between employees related to culture, ethnicity, or gender, it will eventually affect patient care. It is the managers’ duty to keep in mind that it is important to make the hospital unit as diverse as possible but making sure there is also a balance. â€Å"Fortunately, attitudes are changing. Nursing managers in hospitals must creating workplace and educational programs to help nurses overcome discriminatory feelings they may consciously or unconsciously hold toward colleagues or patients. (Rob Douglas, 2004). If there are diverse groups in the unit, there are a number of nurses who think differently and have a different way of looking at patients and their needs. Therefore there is a better chance that patient’s needs will be tended to. Being a lefty for a day is a challenge that left handed people endure on a daily basis. Tasks such as opening a bottle of wine, using a wall mounted pencil sharpener, and turning the pages of a book were all rather difficult. Daily tasks that we don’t think twice about become r a daunting mountain to climb. My mom is a left-handed so in addition to my own experience, I asked her what she has gone through since she was born a lefty. She told me that her mom, my grandmother, would always yell at her for using her left hand to write and do day to day tasks. When my mom would do her homework with her left hand, my grandmother would threaten her and make her use her right hand. Her reason was that left handed people are not â€Å"smart.† In today’s modern day and age, we know and understand that is not the case. â€Å"Forcing a left-handed to be right-handed causes reduced activity in the dominant right hemisphere and increase activity in the non-dominant side. Since creativity and imagination are dominant parts of right brain, they will remain under-developed and the left-side of the brain sees increased activity that deals with reality, facts and logic, characteristics that are opposite of the person’s true potential† (Abbasi, 2011). Forcing people therefore tends to make them slower and do not reach their potential in life. It does seem being a lefty in a right handed world is a very big disadvantage. However, lefty’s do learn to adapt to doing things with both hands making them ambidextrous. So, in the end they gained something, rather than losing something. References Chron. (2007, May 4). Examples of Cultural Differences in the Workplace. Retrieved From the Chron small business website: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/examples-cultural-differences-workplace-11494.html Reason before Passion. (2011, August 8). Never force left-handed child to be right-handed. Retrieved from the Reason before Passion website: http://wasioabbasi.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/never-force-left-handed-child-to-be-right-handed/

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Wisdom of Confucius :: essays research papers

The Wisdom of Confucius ' When you see a good man, try to emulate his example, and when you see a bad man, search yourself for his faults.'; That quote is one of the many morals stated by the ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius, which we still live by today. The Wisdom of Confucius, edited and translated by Lin Yutang, takes the best things said and said about Confucius and put them into one three hundred page book. It follows his life, from his lowly birth in the small town of Tsou, to his death as one of the world's greatest philosophers. The book also shows his ideas and beliefs on such subjects as education, politics, and music, subjects still evident in modern day society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book is mainly comprised of sections and chapters taken from ancient Chinese literature and translated into English by Yutang. He has also added his own commentary and a very lengthy introduction. Some of the books that Yutang used were: The Analects, written by one of Confucius' disciples Mencius, Spring and Autumn, written by Confucius himself, and The Book of Songs, which includes over three hundred Chinese songs and anthems edited by Confucius.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Confucius was born in the small town of Tsou, Lu in 551 BC. His real name was Ch'iu K'ung. Ch'iu literally meant 'hill';, and he was named this because he was born with a large bump on his head. The name Confucius means 'K'ung the master.'; When he was a young boy, Confucius' father and mother died and were buried together at Fangshan, a town in eastern Lu. While he was still grieving a corrupt official told Confucius that the baron of his city was giving a banquet for all of the scholars and he was not invited. This upset Confucius greatly so he left Lu. On his deathbed , the baron of Lu, Li Meng, told his son, Yi Meng, that Confucius was the descendant of a great nobleman. He also told him that Confucius would grow up to be a great philosopher, and that Yi Meng should follow him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Confucius returned to his home country of Lu, and more and more disciples came to study under him. He never stayed in the same spot for a long time. He would travel from place to place in China for long periods of time. The books calls these times as 'periods of wanderings.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Past Year Question Essay

PART A Public Awareness is the Key to Fight Pollution Pollution in the most basic form – littering of rubbish or clogged drains – to that of higher level such as dumping of hazardous waste and illegal logging, is chiefly attributed to lack of public awareness, so contends Minister of Natural Resources and Environment. As Malaysia joins the ranks of industrialized nations, pollution is fast becoming a menace that the country has to cope with. ‘No amount of law can succeed in deterring people from polluting the environment so long as they are unaware about the adverse consequences of their action,’ he said. ‘Although we have come down hard on the culprits, we can never be satisfied as we keep on raising the bar by benchmarking against developed nations in the likes of Japan, Sweden and New Zealand where every citizen is fully aware of their role in environmental preservation,’ he adds. As for water pollution, once a source of drinking water, many rivers in Malaysia have become dumping grounds for various types of hazardous wastes. Of all natural resources, water is the most severely threatened by pollution in this country. In 2006, gypsum, oil and hydrocarbon, dross, heavy metal sludge, mineral sludge and e-waste were the main categories of waste produced in the country. Of the total wastes produced, 110,814 metric tonnes were treated and disposed at Kualiti Alam Sdn Bhd, 9,360 metric tonnes (0.8%) at Trinekens (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd and 11,364 metric tonnes were incinerated at licensed off-site facilities. Source: Malaysian Business 16/9/2007 QUESTION 1 a) â€Å"As Malaysia joins the ranks of industrialised nations, pollution is fast becoming a menace that the country has to cope with†. Based on your knowledge on the Materials Balance Model, explain this statement. (5 marks)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 3 BM/OCT 2010/ECO656/646 b) Water pollution in Malaysia is caused by point and non-point sources. What is the difference between the two? Which classification does the group of water pollution sources mentioned in the last paragraph of the article belong to? (5 marks) What type of pollution control method can be implied from paragraphs 2 and 3 in the article? Describe the method and give an example. (5 marks) â€Å"Pollution †¦ is chiefly attributed to lack of public awareness†. Assuming you are an environmental economist, do you agree or disagree with the statement? Elaborate. (5 marks) c) d) e) What is the difference between positive and normative economics? Suggest one sentence in the article that reflects a positive statement. (5 marks)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL PARTB 4 BM/OCT 2010/ECO656/646 QUESTION 1 a) What is sustainable development? Define and illustrate with an example. (5 marks) b) How is green gross domestic product (GDP) different from the traditional GDP? What are the arguments for the use of green GDP as growth indicator? (10 marks) With the help of relevant diagram, explain social welfare in the form of consumer surplus. (10 marks) c) QUESTION 2 a) What is meant by allocative efficiency? Explain. (5 marks) b) How does a deposit-refund system work in controlling domestic solid waste disposal? Explain with the assistance of a diagram. (10 marks) Define deforestation and its causes. Why is accelerated deforestation a concern in many countries? (10 marks) c) QUESTION 3 a) Describe the occurrence of global warming. (5 marks) b) What are the challenges faced by countries in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in their countries? Explain. (10 marks) Explain the efforts done at international level to reduce ozone depletion problem. (10 marks) c)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL QUESTION 4 5 BM/OCT 2010/ECO656/646 a) Market failure can be associated with externalities. Define market failure and externalities. (5 marks) Explain how free-ridership leads to market failure of a public good such as clean air. (10 marks) b) c) Palm oil refineries generate social cost to society in the form of smoke and particles. Explain and model in a diagram the efficient equilibrium for palm oil in the presence of these atmospheric emissions. (10 marks) QUESTION 5 Briefly explain the following: a) b) c) d) e) Explicit and implicit environmental costs (5 marks) Coase theorem (5 marks) Environmental Kuznets curve (5 marks) Polluter-Pay-Principle (5 marks) Acid deposition (5 marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Host Chapter 35: Tried

I groaned. My head felt all swirly and disconnected. My stomach rolled nauseatingly. â€Å"Finally,† someone murmured in relief. Ian. Of course. â€Å"Hungry?† I thought about that and then made an involuntary gagging sound. â€Å"Oh. Never mind. Sorry. Again. We had to do it. People got all†¦ paranoid when we took you outside.† â€Å"‘S okay,† I sighed. â€Å"Want some water?† â€Å"No.† I opened my eyes, trying to focus in the darkness. I could see two stars through the cracks overhead. Still night. Or night again, who knew? â€Å"Where am I?† I asked. The shapes of the cracks were unfamiliar. I would swear I'd never stared at this ceiling before. â€Å"Your room,† Ian said. I searched for his face in the darkness but could only make out the black shape that was his head. With my fingers, I examined the surface I lay on; it was a real mattress. There was a pillow under my head. My searching hand touched his, and he caught my fingers before I could withdraw them. â€Å"Whose room is it really?† â€Å"Yours.† â€Å"Ian†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"It used to be ours-Kyle's and mine. Kyle's being†¦ held in the hospital wing until things can be decided. I can move in with Wes.† â€Å"I'm not taking your room. And what do you mean, until things can be decided?† â€Å"I told you there would be a tribunal.† â€Å"When?† â€Å"Why do you want to know?† â€Å"Because if you're going through with that, then I have to be there. To explain.† â€Å"To lie.† â€Å"When?† I asked again. â€Å"First light. I won't take you.† â€Å"Then I'll take myself. I know I'll be able to walk as soon as my head stops spinning.† â€Å"You would, wouldn't you?† â€Å"Yes. It's not fair if you don't let me speak.† Ian sighed. He dropped my hand and straightened slowly to his feet. I could hear his joints pop as he stood. How long had he been sitting in the dark, waiting for me to wake? â€Å"I'll be back soon. You might not be hungry, but I'm starving.† â€Å"You had a long night.† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"If it gets light, I won't sit here waiting for you.† He chuckled without humor. â€Å"I'm sure that's true. So I'll be back before that, and I will help you get where you're going.† He leaned one of the doors away from the entrance to his cave, stepped around it, and then let it fall back into place. I frowned. That might be hard to do on one leg. I hoped Ian truly was coming back. While I waited for him, I stared up at the two stars I could see and let my head slowly become stationary. I really didn't like human drugs. Ugh. My body hurt, but the lurching in my head was worse. Time passed slowly, but I didn't fall asleep. I'd been sleeping most of the last twenty-four hours. I probably was hungry, too. I would have to wait for my stomach to calm before I was sure. Ian came back before the light, just as he'd promised. â€Å"Feeling any better?† he asked as he stepped around the door. â€Å"I think so. I haven't moved my head yet.† â€Å"Do you think it's you reacting to the morphine, or Melanie's body?† â€Å"It's Mel. She reacts badly to most painkillers. She found that out when she broke her wrist ten years ago.† He thought about that for a moment. â€Å"It's†¦ odd. Dealing with two people at once.† â€Å"Odd,† I agreed. â€Å"Are you hungry yet?† I smiled. â€Å"I thought I smelled bread. Yes, I think my stomach is past the worst.† â€Å"I was hoping you'd say that.† His shadow sprawled out beside me. He felt for my hand, then pulled my fingers open and placed a familiar round shape in it. â€Å"Help me up?† I asked. He put his arm carefully around my shoulders and folded me up in one stiff piece, minimizing the ache in my side. I could feel something foreign on the skin there, tight and rigid. â€Å"Thanks,† I said, a little breathless. My head spun slowly. I touched my side with my free hand. Something adhered to my skin, under my shirt. â€Å"Are my ribs broken, then?† â€Å"Doc's not sure. He's doing as much as he can.† â€Å"He tries so hard.† â€Å"He does.† â€Å"I feel bad†¦ that I used to not like him,† I admitted. Ian laughed. â€Å"Of course you didn't. I'm amazed you can like any of us.† â€Å"You've got that turned around,† I mumbled, and dug my teeth into the hard roll. I chewed mechanically and then swallowed, setting the bread down as I waited to see how it hit my stomach. â€Å"Not very appetizing, I know,† Ian said. I shrugged. â€Å"Just testing-to see if the nausea's really passed.† â€Å"Maybe something more appealing†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I looked at him, curious, but I couldn't see his face. I listened to a sharp crackle and a ripping sound†¦ and then I could smell, and I understood. â€Å"Cheetos!† I cried. â€Å"Really? For me?† Something touched my lip, and I crunched into the delicacy he offered. â€Å"I've been dreaming about this.† I sighed as I chewed. That made him laugh. He put the bag in my hands. I downed the contents of the small bag quickly, and then finished my roll, seasoned by the cheese flavor still in my mouth. He handed me a bottle of water before I could ask. â€Å"Thank you. For more than the Cheetos, you know. For so much.† â€Å"You're more than welcome, Wanda.† I stared into his dark blue eyes, trying to decipher everything he was saying with that sentence-there seemed to be something more than just courtesy in the words. And then I realized that I could see the color of Ian's eyes; I glanced quickly up at the cracks above. The stars were gone, and the sky was turning pale gray. Dawn was coming. First light. â€Å"Are you sure you have to do this?† Ian asked, his hands already half-extended as if to pick me up. I nodded. â€Å"You don't have to carry me. My leg feels better.† â€Å"We'll see.† He helped me to my feet, leaving his arm around my waist and pulling my arm around his neck. â€Å"Careful, now. How's that?† I hobbled forward a step. It hurt, but I could do it. â€Å"Great. Let's go.† I think Ian likes you too much. Too much? I was surprised to hear from Melanie, and so distinctly. Lately, she only spoke up like this when Jared was around. I'm here, too. Does he even care about that? Of course he does. He believes us more than anyone besides Jamie and Jeb. I don't mean that. What do you mean? But she was gone. It took us a long time. I was surprised by how far we had to go. I'd been thinking we were going to the big plaza or the kitchen-the usual places for congregating. But we went through the eastern field and kept going until we finally reached the big, deep black cave that Jeb had called the game room. I hadn't been here since my first tour. The biting scent of the sulfurous spring greeted me. Unlike most of the caverns here, the game room was much wider than it was tall. I could see that now because the dim blue lights hung from the ceiling rather than resting on the floor. The ceiling was only a few feet over my head, the height of a normal ceiling in a house. But I couldn't even see the walls, they were so distant from the lights. I couldn't see the smelly spring, tucked away in some far corner, but I could hear it dribble and gush. Kyle sat in the brightest spot of light. He had his long arms wrapped around his legs. His face was set in a stiff mask. He didn't look up when Ian helped me limp in. On either side of him were Jared and Doc, on their feet, both with their arms hanging loose and ready at their sides. As though they were†¦ guards. Jeb stood beside Jared, his gun slung over one shoulder. He appeared relaxed, but I knew how quickly that could change. Jamie held his free hand†¦ no, Jeb had his hand around Jamie's wrist, and Jamie didn't seem happy about it. When he saw me come in, though, he smiled and waved. He took a deep breath and looked pointedly at Jeb. Jeb dropped Jamie's wrist. Sharon stood beside Doc, with Aunt Maggie at her other side. Ian pulled me toward the edge of the darkness surrounding the tableau. We weren't alone there. I could see the shapes of many others, but not their faces. It was strange; through the caves, Ian had supported most of my weight with ease. Now, though, he seemed to have tired. His arm around my waist was slack. I lurched and hopped forward as best I could until he picked the spot he wanted. He settled me to the floor, and then sat beside me. â€Å"Ouch,† I heard someone whisper. I turned and could just make out Trudy. She scooted closer to us, Geoffrey and then Heath copying her. â€Å"You look rotten,† she told me. â€Å"How bad are you hurt?† I shrugged. â€Å"I'm fine.† I started to wonder if Ian had let me struggle just to make a show of my injuries-to make me testify against Kyle without words. I frowned at his innocent expression. Wes and Lily arrived then and came to sit with my little group of allies. Brandt entered a few seconds later, and then Heidi, and then Andy and Paige. Aaron was last. â€Å"That's everybody,† he said. â€Å"Lucina's staying with her kids. She doesn't want them here-she said to go on without her.† Aaron sat beside Andy, and there was a short moment of silence. â€Å"Okay, then,† Jeb said in a loud voice meant to be heard by all. â€Å"Here's how it's gonna work. Straight-up majority vote. As usual, I'll make my own decision if I have a problem with the majority, 'cause this -â€Å" â€Å"Is my house,† several voices interjected in chorus. Someone chuckled but stopped quickly. This wasn't funny. A human was on trial for trying to kill an alien. This had to be a horrible day for all of them. â€Å"Who's speaking against Kyle?† Jeb asked. Ian started to stand beside me. â€Å"No!† I whispered, tugging on his elbow. He shrugged me off and rose to his feet. â€Å"This is simple enough,† Ian said. I wanted to jump up and clap my hand over his mouth, but I didn't think I could get to my feet without help. â€Å"My brother was warned. He was not in any doubt about Jeb's ruling on this. Wanda is one of our community-the same rules and protections apply to her as to any of us. Jeb told Kyle point-blank that if he couldn't live with her here, he should move on. Kyle decided to stay. He knew then and he knows now the penalty for murder in this place.† â€Å"It's still alive,† Kyle grunted. â€Å"Which is why I'm not asking for your death,† Ian snapped back. â€Å"But you can't live here anymore. Not if you're a murderer at heart.† Ian stared at his brother for a moment, then sat on the ground beside me again. â€Å"But he could get caught, and we'd have no idea,† Brandt protested, rising to his feet. â€Å"He'll lead them back here, and we'd have no warning.† There was a murmur through the room. Kyle glared at Brandt. â€Å"They'll never get me alive.† â€Å"Then it's a death sentence after all,† someone muttered at the same time that Andy said, â€Å"You can't guarantee that.† â€Å"One at a time,† Jeb warned. â€Å"I've survived on the outside before,† Kyle said angrily. Another voice came from the darkness. â€Å"It's a risk.† I couldn't make out the owners of the voices-they were just hissing whispers. And another. â€Å"What did Kyle do wrong? Nothing.† Jeb took a step toward the voice, glowering. â€Å"My rules.† â€Å"She's not one of us,† someone else protested. Ian started to rise again. â€Å"Hey!† Jared exploded. His voice was so loud that everyone jumped. â€Å"Wanda's not on trial here! Does someone have a concrete complaint against her-against Wanda herself? Then ask for another tribunal. But we all know she hasn't harmed anyone here. In fact, she saved his life.† He stabbed one finger toward Kyle's back. Kyle's shoulders hunched, like he'd felt the jab. â€Å"Just seconds after he tried to throw her into the river, she risked her life to keep him from the same painful death. She had to know that if she let him fall she would be safer here. She saved him anyway. Would any of you have done the same-rescue your enemy? He tried to kill her, and yet will she even speak against him?† I felt all the eyes in the dark room on my face as Jared now held his hand out, palm up, toward me. â€Å"Will you speak against him, Wanda?† I stared at him wide-eyed, stunned that he was speaking for me, that he was speaking to me, that he was using my name. Melanie was in shock, too, torn in half. She was overjoyed at the kindness in his face as he looked at us, the softness in his eyes that had been absent so long. But it was my name he'd said†¦ It was a few seconds before I could find my voice. â€Å"This is all a misunderstanding,† I whispered. â€Å"We both fell when the floor caved in. Nothing else happened.† I hoped the whisper would make it harder to hear the lie in my voice, but as soon as I was done, Ian chuckled. I nudged him with my elbow, but that didn't stop him. Jared actually smiled at me. â€Å"You see. She even tries to lie in his defense.† â€Å"Tries being the operative word,† Ian added. â€Å"Who says it's lying? Who can prove that?† Maggie asked harshly, stepping forward into the empty space beside Kyle. â€Å"Who can prove that it's not the truth that sounds so false on its lips?† â€Å"Mag -† Jeb started. â€Å"Shut up, Jebediah-I'm speaking. There is no reason for us to be here. No human was attacked. The insidious trespasser offers no complaint. This is a waste of all our time.† â€Å"I second that,† Sharon added in a clear, loud voice. Doc shot her a pained look. Trudy jumped to her feet. â€Å"We can't house a murderer-and just wait around for him to be successful!† â€Å"Murder is a subjective term,† Maggie hissed. â€Å"I only consider it murder when something human is killed.† I felt Ian's arm wrap around my shoulder. I didn't realize that I was trembling until his motionless body was against mine. â€Å"Human is a subjective term as well, Magnolia,† Jared said, glowering at her. â€Å"I thought the definition embraced some compassion, some little bit of mercy.† â€Å"Let's vote,† Sharon said before her mother could answer him. â€Å"Raise your hand if you think Kyle should be allowed to stay here, with no penalty for the†¦ misunderstanding.† She shot a glance not at me, but at Ian beside me when she used the word I'd used. Hands began to rise. I watched Jared's face as his features settled into a scowl. I struggled to raise my hand, but Ian tightened his hold around my arms and made an irritated noise through his nose. I held my palm as high as I could get it. In the end, though, my vote wasn't necessary. Jeb counted out loud. â€Å"Ten†¦ fifteen†¦ twenty†¦ twenty-three. Okay, that's a clear majority.† I didn't look around to see who had voted how. It was enough that in my little corner all arms were crossed tightly over chests and all eyes stared at Jeb with expectant expressions. Jamie walked away from Jeb to come squeeze in between Trudy and me. He put his arm around me, under Ian's. â€Å"Maybe your souls were right about us,† he said, loud enough for most to hear his high, hard voice. â€Å"The majority are no better than -â€Å" â€Å"Hush!† I hissed at him. â€Å"Okay,† Jeb said. Everyone went silent. Jeb looked down at Kyle, then at me, and then at Jared. â€Å"Okay, I'm inclined to go with the majority on this.† â€Å"Jeb -† Jared and Ian said simultaneously. â€Å"My house, my rules,† Jeb reminded them. â€Å"Never forget that. So you listen to me, Kyle. And you'd better listen, too, I think, Magnolia. Anyone who tries to hurt Wanda again will not get a tribunal, they will get a burial.† He slapped the butt of his gun for emphasis. I flinched. Magnolia glared hatefully at her brother. Kyle nodded, as if accepting the terms. Jeb looked around the unevenly spaced audience, locking eyes with each member except the little group beside me. â€Å"Tribunal's over,† Jeb announced. â€Å"Who's up for a game?†

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Essay Writing Tips

Essay Writing Tips Essay Writing Tips Essay Writing Tips This page was written essay writers to provide you with essay writing tips. The below questions will help you make your essay perfect in terms of style, format, grammar, and content. Is an essay topic interesting and worth of research? Can I make an original contribution to the existing literature on the topic? Have I clarified the significance of my results, discussion, and ideas? Have I thoroughly accounted for the intended audience? Has my opinion on audience changed in the result of essay writing? Have I thoroughly accounted for what the readers need to know? What terms or concepts need more clarification? Are my examples and illustrations effective? Should I provide more examples to help college essay readers visualize conceptual problems? Have I used concepts that my readers will not understand? Have I introduced information that may make the audience angry? Can I eliminate these hot passages and still get my point across? Have I established the tone appropriate for the audience and purpose of essay writing? Have I established the appropriate voice? Are there any confusing or pedantic sections that need to be revised or edited? Now that I have thought more deeply about the essay topic, how have my thoughts changed about the particular voice that I should try to establish? As I look over the whole essay, the paragraphs, the sentences, and the words, can I trace the development of ideas? Did I finish with the same purpose that I began writing an essay? What changes to introduction need to be made to account for what I have written in my essay? Are there any gaps in content development and reasoning? Do I need to provide additional reasoning or outside documentation to support controversial statements? Have I provided enough background information for essay readers to understand the discussion and evaluation? Have I addressed all of the important counterarguments? Have I cited the appropriate studies and relied on up-to-date information while writing an essay? Throughout the essay body, have I moved from what the reader knows - the given - to what the reader doesn't know - the new? Have I provided the forecasting and transitional sentences that essay readers will need to understand how different ideas relate to each other? offers essay writing help to assist you with accomplishment of paper writing assignments.   We are able to help you with any academic assignment and we know how to write an impressive essay for you.   Our site is a team of professional writers who are able to impress you with high quality.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why do you need to prep for the SAT

Why do you need to prep for the SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you thinking about how much to prep for the SAT, or whether you should even prep for the SAT? This article answers your questions on that! The Origins of the SAT When the ETS (the folks who make the SAT) began, way back in 1947, college admission was based entirely on high school records and admissions counselors’ opinions of students’ â€Å"character.† Obviously, this was a bad way to form a student body and also extremely unfair. There had to be some way to assess all the students in the country uniformly to be able to compare between them. The Challenge of the SAT But how do you test â€Å"scholastic aptitude,† as the SAT used to claim it did? You have to use only material that everyone has been taught in school, or it’s unfair. You have to make it multiple choice, or grading would be impossible (the essay is an attempt to bypass some of the limitations of multiple choice testing). They’re not trying to test subjects, they’re trying to test reasoning: â€Å"to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic; to find an answer to a problem by considering various possible solutions† (adapted from the New American Oxford Dictionary). But there are lots of systems in which logic operates: which to choose? What They Decided to Do In an effort to be fair to â€Å"language people† and â€Å"math people† alike, they chose to include both systems in their test of â€Å"scholastic aptitude.† (They had to change this acronym because many people claimed that the SAT was not an accurate test of scholastic aptitudenow the letters â€Å"SAT† technically don’t stand for anything.) But, inevitably, the standardization of the testfrom student to student and year to yearrequired that they use the exact same elements of these two subjects, phrased in the exact same way, in every test. So they ended up with a test that has the same question formats testing the same concepts over 170 questions per test, 7 tests per year, for as many years as they can get away with not changing it. Because this test can make or break a student’s college options (and, arguably, his or her life options), each question has to be totally airtightno exceptions, no way to interpret the answer in multiple ways. The point of all this is that the SAT is, by definition, an extremely rigid, consistent and unintuitive testand those 3 aspects of it make SAT prep almost a necessity for most students. Test Format The ETS tests (SAT, GRE, and TOEFL, among others) are unlike any other test you’ve ever taken. They’re held in these specific places and times, have multiple sections about alternating subjects, and are extremely particular about what you are and aren’t allowed to use (e.g. a calculator and a watch are fine; your phone is not). This aspect alone is something everyone who cares to do well on the test should be prepared for. Question Format Originally, the ETS claimed that the test was designed not to require preparationafter all, reasoning is reasoning, right? But out here in the real world, people were learning different. Eventually the College Board (the people who own the SATETS only designs and runs it) was compelled to produce some limited preparation materials in response to public pressure. One main reason for this is that the questions on the SAT are both strangely worded and totally predictable, a combination practically designed to benefit those who prepare for the test. For example, a common Math question type is formatted like this: If someone tells you it’s opposite day, which of the following must be true? I. It is opposite day II. It is not opposite day III. The person is lying A: I only B: II only C: I and II only D: I and III only E: I, II and III Don’t think too hard about this one. The point is that this question seems much harder than it is, because this is an insane way to phrase a question. Good SAT prep (including PrepScholar) will familiarize you with how to handle these question types, among others that will almost definitely confuse students who have never seen them before. Question Content The content of the SAT, on the other hand, will be familiar to most high schoolers. The highest levels of math it requires are some complicated algebra and plane geometry; all the English skills it requires are basic tenets of writing. In fact, the content of the SAT has been pretty much the same since the 50s. The addition of the Writing section in 2005 was the biggest recent change to the test, but it’s just as formulaic and consistent as the others, for the reasons we discussed earlier in this post. The consistency of the content of the SAT is perhaps the most compelling reason to prep thoroughlyit asks about things that may seem random to the unprepared, but are actually part of a very narrow band of language and math skills. Similarly, the content that the SAT doesn’t test can be helpful to know, because it’s easy to get distracted by thing that seem odd about a question but aren’t actually ever tested. The Takeaway If you’re trying to plan your SAT prep, this blog post should be able to help you out. You don’t have to prep with us, but you should prep with something. The ETS tried to make a pure test of reasoning, but it can’t be done. The result is an idiosyncratic, seemingly random, set of topics and questions for which it is essential to prepare. And if you found this helpful or interesting, please share it or consider joining the mailing list to get our updates and insights 1-2 times per week! Also, get our FREE EBOOK on SAT Prep:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Math Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Math - Lab Report Example Grade Book button contains grades of the completed quizzes and tests. Expand Chapter content button it populates more tabs with the heading of the chapters and their details. Expand Tools of Success button contain the helping tools, help, support and suggestions. Multimedia Library Button Contains access to multimedia resources available for our textbooks. Pearson Tutor Service contains access to Pearson Tutor Services for personalized, detailed assistance with what we are learning. Discussion button currently doesn’t contain anything right now but it the place where students can discuss issues in their assignments. Expand Course Tools menu to access item such as email, the Class Live chat environment, document sharing, and instructor tools. In homework section, homework for different chapters is placed in different icons buttons. Assignments for different chapters are also accessible in this section. This section also contains questions for chapters and can provide help in solving these questions. For example, the interactive graphic tools is provided in Chapter 1 Homework Objective 1 question 1, by which student can easily solve such questions. Te basic aim of this section is to provide various tools that can be utilised while solving questions. For example the graphic calculator can be utilized while working with a data set. It requires entering the data and then using the calculator various statistical analyses can be done on the given data set and all such info is provided in the ‘Graphing Calculator Help’ and the ‘review’ tab provides summarised content that may be needed while dealing with mathematical problems. ‘Support for technology’ tab also includes useful guides for using the graphic calculator and working on MS Excel. ‘The extended applications tab provides various case studies where the mathematical tools are utilised for solving problems in the real world. The mathematical application in the management